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The Bridging Barriers project is organising an International Online Conference on 16 February 2022 from 14:30 to 18:00 to present the results of two years of activities and to hear experts in Adult Basic Education and some protagonists of the pilot courses discuss the key topics of the project.
Adult basic education (ABE) is an essential part of adult education, which is organised very differently across Europe. Respective teacher training programmes often lack a systematic basis. This is where the Erasmus+ project “Bridging Barriers – Competence Development of Trainers in Adult Basic Education” comes in with an attempt to strengthen the foundations of adult basic education by collaborating with practitioners and working towards higher levels of professionalism in the field.
Since 2019, the project partners have been analysing the essential skills of ABE teachers and developing methods to make these skills visible. Different approaches have been developed by the project’s partners in Austria, Italy, Slovakia, and Switzerland , which we are going to present in the conference. Moreover, the project’s outcomes are discussed against the backdrop of current policy developments, both at the European Union level and at a Member State level.
Below is the programme and the link to register for the Online International Conference:
- Welcome and introduction to the Bridging Barriers project
- Basic Skills Training in the European policy context, Graciela Sbertoli (General Secretary, European Basic Skills Network)
- The Bridging Barriers project in European Context, Günter Hefler (Senior researcher, 3s)
- Panel discussion: Lessons learnt from the Bridging Barriers experiment: Exchange of facilitators and participants of the pilot courses, Alvise Morato (Italy), Lea Pelosi (Switzerland), Claudia Schotten, (Austria)
- Conclusion
Please register until 14 February 2022 under this link